
An Education into The Essex Witch Trials and Matthew Hopkins

Today during home school with Aunt Maud I learnt about The Essex Witch Trials and some bloke called Matthew Hopkins, otherwise known as The Witch Finder General or, as I like to call him The Twat.
I thought it was that interesting I would tell you guys what I found out. This bloke Matthew Hopkins in my opinion really didn't like women very much. He came from Manningtree in Essex. No one really knows when he was born, (which I think is really weird) but people think it was sometime in 1619. Like me he didn't go to school, but trust me that is where the similarity ends!
The Witch Trials began in 1644 when twatty Hopkins said he had overheard 7 or 8 sect witches talking about sacrifice and the devil. He said later that when they found out he had overheard them talking they threatened to kill him. (Yeah mate course they did). Anyway he interrogated a woman called Elizabeth Clarke and basically tortured her, stripped her naked and searched her for witch marks. He said she had 3 nipples! What an idiot! Apparently this proved she was a witch and that demons feed off the 3 nipples. He kept on with the torture and starving her for 3 nights, until she could take no more and was ready to confess anything just to be free of the pain. I wish I had been around then, I would have given that muppet something to worry about I can tell you!
So Elizabeth confessed to being a witch and accused 4 other women under pressure too. I get the impression the town were quite happy with this freaks interrogation techniques and he became quite popular!
This idiot even got commission from parliament. Elizabeth and about 29 other women were taken to Chelmsford in Essex and hanged for Witchcraft. He became very rich very quickly, the greedier he got the more people he accused of witchcraft to keep the money rolling in.
Hopkins used to pick on the poor and old people of towns, ones who didn't have any fight in them. Torture was illegal in England at that time but Hopkins thought he was clever and disguised torture by saying he was interrogating them instead.
One way of torture was him picking a woman he wanted to accuse of witchcraft and shoving her in a cell on her own, no clothes, food or water. If that didn't get a confession he would sometimes use "The Swimming Technique", this involved throwing a woman into water and seeing if she floated or sunk, if she floated she was a witch.
Well that's all I can tell you so far, but Aunt Maud did say I will be learning more about The Essex Witchtrials soon. Cant wait. I am going to dream about that Hopkins prat tonight and make sure I am torturing him!

1 comment:

  1. dude Hopkins..i like witch story,but not this one i think :( (-.-) pheww..
