

Hello my lovely followers.  Just thought I would update you all.  I am in the process of writing a journal, it will be an interactive book you nice people can download for a small fee.  I will still update this blog but, the real action will be on the e-book.  Its going to be really good with stuff you can do and still the awesome stories I write.  Watch this space for further details.

Blessed be xxxx


Toadstools are ugly!!!

Just thought I would share this weird experience with you lovely people.  I had to go into the woods (as usual!) to get some leaves for a school project Aunt Maud had set me today.  I went by myself and as the weather has been horrible and wet lately I decided to go to the clearing to try and find some leaves that had got some sunlight and were slightly dry at least.

When I got to the clearing I noticed something interesting, lots of quite large toadstools had grown in a kind of big circle.  What was even weirder was the little mushrooms kind of dotted around the toadstools like they were little seats!  I know I have lost the plot haven't I!!

One thing I have decided is that toadstools are ugly horrible things.  I walked over to kick them over but, as I did I got this strange feeling come over me that I shouldn't mess with them and decided not to.  What is that all about???


Return to normal (well my kind of normal)

So we are waiting to see of Thorn turns into a werewolf!  Not a good start to 2011 me thinks.  So what are my new years resolutions this year??  Well my first one is to try and do more school work.  I had lapsed a bit during the last couple of weeks of 2010 and I do feel sorry for Aunt Maud trying to home school me cant be an easy task!

I also need to stop biting my nails, "Its not ladylike", Gran keeps saying to me.  My third resolution is to practise alot more magic this year and put some of my successful (if there are any lol) spells into my lovely new Book of Shadows, and my last resolution is to look into my family history alot more.

Thorn is out of hospital now and everytime he so much as makes a sound we all look at him in horror thinking he might change and bite one of us.  He just looks at us like we are mad and shakes his head.  Poor boy.

Pywacket has calmed right down since the incident in the woods and is back to his normal self thank goodness.


A History of the Werewolf!

So yet again I am plunged into a world of the weird and strange.  Thorn is in the hospital as we speak, he lost alot of blood and was quite weak.  We wont know whether he has been "turned" for a few days apparently.

I did actually learn something though, well quite alot actually.  Now I believed werewolves only turned during a full moon and I also believed they had no control over themselves when they were in wolf form.  WRONG, apparently werewolves can turn whenever they wish to, they mainly do it under stress or when backed into a corner and provoked into defending themselves.  They also are not always aggressive and can control themselves.  It takes months for them to learn control but with the correct guidance they can. 

You see that's what Sebastian was doing when he ran away, he had heard there was a werewolf who wanted to prove their kind were not always aggressive and Sebastian had gone to him for help.  It worked and Sebastian was hiding in the woods for one last night just to make sure he wasn't going to be a danger to his family before he returned to them.  Unfortunately he hadn't left it long enough, he should have waited two months moon cycle (not full moon) and then he would better be able to control his thoughts and feelings.  He was a week too early.  Now it looks like poor Thorn shares the same fate as Sebastian, but again only time will tell.


New Years Eve (part 3)

Savannah's mum went to stop him from talking, he put his hand up and said, "no I think its time we accepted the truth Martha". He explained that Savannah's brother Sebastian was an adventurous kid and was always out in the woods.  One night he didn't come back and they went looking for him.  When they found him he was pretty beat up and had cuts all over him.  They got him home and put him to bed.  He slept for nearly 20 hours and in the middle of the next night he woke up screaming, his parents came into his room to find him in the corner of his room.  He was covered in fur and was starting to grow fangs!!!

At this point I was scared out of my mind, but kept listening to the strange tale.  When Sebastian had finished "changing" they could tell straight away he was a werewolf.  He jumped up and smashed through the window into the night.  Sebastian came back the next day and explained he had been playing in the woods and this huge animal came out of nowhere, he had no chance and was bitten.  Apparently there has been talk about the woods holding weird, strange creatures for centuries but no one believed them until now!

I really took notice when they said he had been bitten and immediately looked at Thorn who appeared to have a big bite mark on his arm!!!!

Suddenly I put two and two together and we realised Sebastian was the wolf we had seen on Halloween night. 

Savannah had been in the woods for days trying to find Sebastian before he bit someone, they knew he was getting restless and was afraid he would try and change someone else.  Well it looks like he has!!!!!

New Years Eve Final Part (2)

So Thorn had run behind the bush and we could hear screaming coming from that area.  When we finally got there Aunt Maud was going mental, Thorn was laying on the ground with Savannah kneeling over him.  I was so happy to see she was ok I didn't think what was happening to poor Thorn.  He was cut on his arm quite bad and something had bitten him too.  It was like something out of a horror film.

Savannah was crying and saying it was all her fault and things would never be the same again!  Aunt Maud was trying to stem the blood coming from Thorns cut, she was shouting at Savannah.

"Why are you yelling at her?", I asked my Aunt.  "Savannah I think you have some explaining to so, don't you", replied Aunt Maud looking angrily at Savannah.  Savannah was shaking her head and crying.

"Ok, ok everyone calm down," said Gran.  Savannah immediately calmed down (god my nan is good).  Just as Savannah was about to explain herself her family turned up.  They had heard all the screaming and had come looking. 

"Hold it right there", said Savannah's dad.  "You don't say a word Savannah, this is private family business and we will take care of it".  Aunt Maud walked straight up to Savannah's dad and said, "Hey don't you dare try and cover this one up, I saw exactly what happened and Savannah told me the rest.  I think you have some explaining to do"

Savannah's dad sighed and started to explain their strange family story................

New Years Eve Final Part (Split into 3 parts)

Part 1......Right so much has happened in the last couple of hours I will need to try and keep it as short as possible to fit it all on this page!!!!  Well what can I say, we found Savannah but, we also found something else too.
I told you we were headed into the woods to search one last time tonight for Savannah?  Because there was more of us we split up like before.  I went with Gran and Roman and Pywacket, Aunt Maud went with Thorn.  Unfortunately it was Aunt Maud and Thorn who came across Savannah first!

Apparently they were quite a way into the woods, well away from the clearing and they could hear someone talking quietly behind some bushes.  Before Aunt Maud could stop him Thorn ran round the bush to see who it was.  I think it safe to say he wishes he hadnt gone now. 

We could hear screaming, we went running towards the sound.  Pywacket was squarking at me and flapping his wings.  (looking back he was warning me, but I didnt realise at the time)